Vodafone 3G service comes to Bangalore

Frustrated by using very slow internet connection? Gets frustrated while downloading large size of files from internet using very slow 2G connection? Then here is a good news for you. Applicable for Bangalore Vodafone users.

Bangalore people, here is a good news for you. The largest mobile network provider Vodafone has started to provide 3G service in bangalore. 3G service provides the user to browse internet and make video calls easily but the price is little more. Price has become constraint for 3G users in here.

Vodafone has started to provide 3G service in Bangalore currently and this service will be extended to all parts of karnataka very soon.

Price list

Prepaid Users:-

  • Minimum recharge of Rs 28, for which they will get 28 MB data for a day.

  • Maximum recharge of Rs 4,250 for which users will get 18 GB data for 180 days.

  • Range of Rs 101 to Rs 1,000 with data access of 100 MB to 5 GB.

Excess usage will charge 10paisa for 10KB.

Video calls at 3Rs/minute.

Postpaid users:-

  • Rs 100 for which they will get 100 MB data for 30 days.

  • Rs 1,250 per month will give 5 GB access.

  • Rs 3,250 for 6 GB data and Rs 4,250 for 18 GB and Rs 6,250 for 30 GB data access over 3 months.

Excess usage will charge 2 paisa per 10 KB.

Video calls at 3Rs/minute.

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