Sharing files between two ubuntu systems through local router

I have a old desktop running Lubuntu 11.04 and it is connected to internet through a wireless router. While I store lot of information on this computer, I also have a laptop running Ubuntu 11.04 that I most of the times work on and it is also connected to internet through the same router. Transferring files between these two machines is important to me. There are countless ways you could do it, but I preferred ssh to have a safe and reliable connection through the local router. If you are willing to do the same then here's how you do it.

Step 1: Install ssh on both the machines. Run this command in terminals of both the linux machines.

sudo apt-get install ssh

Step 2: Learn the IP address of your desktop. This can be done by right clicking the connection icon on the panel and then on "Connection Information".

Otherwise you can just run the following command and read for "inet addr:" field.


In my case, it is

Step 3: Go to your laptop. Find "Connect to Server" option.

If you are using GNOME then you find this on "Places -> Connect to Server".

If you are using UNITY then you find this option by opening Nautilus. Go to File -> Connect to Server.

You get this window -

Step 4: Fill details into the fields and click Connect.

Service type must be selected to SSH.

Server field takes the address of the computer to which you want to connect to.

Port is 22, which is a TCP standard for SSH Connections.

Folder that you want to share.

Username to access the desktop.

You can add a bookmark and give it a name for you to access it next time.

Step 5: Once you are done, click on "Connect". It prompts for password. Enter it and you are done. You have successfully established file sharing from your desktop machine to your laptop machine. You can do the vice versa by following Step 3, 4 and 5 on your other machine.

PS: I have used terms 'laptop' and 'desktop' everywhere. But this need not be the case and procedure is same for any two machines connected through same router. 

How to install Kernel v3.0 on Ubuntu 11.04

Kernel v3.0 is out there and will be released with Ubuntu 11.10 and yet, there are no kernel updates for Ubuntu 11.04 after Kernel v2.6.38. If you are very eager to install kernel 3.0, then you can build them directly from the source code. Or just use the packages that are used to install Kernel 3.0 on Ubuntu 11.10. Since the latter approach is simple and easy, I will mention step by step instruction to install Kernel v3.0 on your Ubuntu 11.10 Natty Narwhal.

Step 1: Download the debian packages from here.

For 32 bit users -

1. linux-headers-3.0.0-0300rc2_3.0.0-0300rc2.201106081532_all.deb
2. linux-headers-3.0.0-0300rc2-generic_3.0.0-0300rc2.201106081532_i386.deb
3. linux-image-3.0.0-0300rc2-generic_3.0.0-0300rc2.201106081532_i386.deb

For 64 bit users -

1. linux-headers-3.0.0-0300rc2_3.0.0-0300rc2.201106081532_all.deb
2. linux-headers-3.0.0-0300rc2-generic3.0.0-300rc2.201106081532_amd64.deb

3. linux-image-3.0.0-0300rc2-generic_3.0.0-0300rc2.201106081532_amd64.deb

Step 2: Once you have downloaded all the files, place them into a single folder. Browse to that folder from your terminal and then copy paste the following code into the prompt.
sudo dpkg -i linux-*

The execution will continue to install kernel 3.0 on your Ubuntu 11.04. Just in case kernel 3.0 mess up, do not remove previous versions. You can always choose from the previous versions in the grub.

If you have or happen to install this, then please comment on the power consumption and other pros and cons of kernel 3.0.

Google to DO LIST

To-do List is a list of tasks that need to be completed. It is a very helpful tool which provides additional support to memory. Although the name only implies a single list, it may involve more than one list. When one task is completed or satisfied, it is crosses off or checked. The traditional method of creating a To-do list, is writing down tasks on a paper using pen or pencil, usually in a notebook or clip-board.

What is Google To Do List?

Google being the foremost contender in web services launched To-do list online, which allows users to write tasks online just like writing them in a notebook. Google provides very simple and easy interface to create to-do list and thus helps a user immensely in organizing his/her personal activities. Here are some basic steps to create a to-do list in Google calendar (

  1. First to start creating a to-do list in Google calendar, user has to sign-in using a valid Gmail ID.

  2. Click on “My Calendars” and under that, click on “Tasks”.

  3. Once you click on “tasks”, a task gadget will appear on the right side of your calendar.

  4. Using the gadget, you can easily create to-do list according to your calendar.

Google has created the gadget and has blended it with a simple idea of due dates. Due dates are often prove to be very important. Thus you can use such due dates with your calendar assigning them to your tasks.

Using Due Dates in Google To Do List

  • Create a task on to-do list with a due date: You can do so by clicking in an empty space in month view and select the “Task” option.

  • You can also assign a due date to an existing task.

  • Once the task has been completed, a user can delete or mark task as complete by checking a box next to the task name.

Get the new Google Bar

Google recently went on a renovation spree to change the appearances of all the google services. Ever since the release of G+, google started rolling out new appearances to every other service they had.

Recently Google announced in its official google blog that google is now ready for its next set of change - the new Google bar which makes it easy to access different Google Services. Even though the new google bar is announced, it is still not rolled out for users but here is a simple tweak that help you get a head start in trying out the new google bar.

The tweak is to modify your cookie. All you have to do is follow these simple steps -

For Google Chrome users -

1. Add 'Edit this Cookie' extension to Chrome
2. Go to
3. Click on the extension

4. Go to PREF section and change the value field to this


5. Refresh the page

For firefox users -

1. Go to
2. Press Ctrl + Shift + K
3. Paste the following into the text field and press enter
document.cookie="PREF=ID=03fd476a699d6487:U=88e8716486ff1e5d:FF=0:LD=en:CR=2:TM=1322688084:LM=1322688085:S=McEsyvcXKMiVfGds; path=/;";window.location.reload();

For IE users -

Install Chrome, firefox or anything that evolved after dinosaurs!

Smart Phones with Intel Processors in 2012

Intel recently announced that in 2012, smart phones with Intel Atom processors to hit the market and make a revolutionary change in the field of Mobile Technology as well.

Intel's smart technology for mobiles will be available only in India and South Asia initially. The sales Director Ravichandran said that  “Next year, you will see more models of Ultrabooks being launched. We expect sales volumes to go up. You will also see notebooks and Ultrabooks incorporate features of tablets and vice versa”.

Intel is trying to spread in any field gradually. Recently, Intel announced that Intel's Identity Protection would help in providing security during online transactions. The same is going to be applied for mobile users as well. Its time to use Intel's smart technology in our mobiles too.