Indian Railways launch Rail Radar to get train location in Google maps

The Railways has launched an online application which allows the public to track movement of trains. The application, known as Rail Radar, is an interactive map that helps passengers locate about 6,500 trains on real-time basis on both internet and their cell phones.

This application can be accessed through the railway website - A passenger can enter a train name or number and the system will inform whether the train is delayed or running on time.

Free SMS service by Google via Google Chat

Google has launched its free SMS service in India and other countries using which users can send SMS to people who are in their contact list for free. Google has reported saying that it will not charge for SMS but initially users will be provided with 50 free SMSes. Google would decrease this count by one everytime you send a SMS but the good thing is that when a user responds to text message, the count increases by 5.

If SMS count becomes 0(zero), it would ideally reset within 24hours or the user can buy the credit by paying for the service.

This service went live in India and other 51 countries on October 10th. Google has also provided service where-in the user can block receiving messages sent from Google SMS chat.

iPhone 5 to be launched in India on Oct 26 2012

Apple reported that the new and most awaited smartphone the iPhone5 will be launched in India on October 26 2012. Apple generally launches its new gadgets and devices on friday and now Apple is set to launch iPhone5 on date mentioned above.

More than iPhone5's were sold on the very first week of its launch in some countries and now Apple expects it to have higher availability after launch than any of its previous iPhone releases. Currently, iPhone5 is being sold in Indian gray/black markets for more than 1 lakh rupees. Apple has not reported about iPhone5's price yet.

Apple is said to distribute iPhone5 rather than the company's carrier partners.

Are you set to buy iPhone5? Leave your comment. 

Handle Orientation Change in iOS6

Till the version less than iOS6, interface orientation change was being handled by shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation method. But in iOS6, this method doesn't work because iOS6 has new callback named "shouldAutorotate". But just by adding this method and returning YES will not work. Some code tweaks is required to get it done. This post helps you to handle all orientation change.

First of all, you need to subclass your Navigation or TabController.

  • Create a new .h and .m files and name it as CustomNavigationController.h and .m respectively.Now add these methods to .m file.
  • - (BOOL)shouldAutorotate{
        return self.topViewController.shouldAutorotate;
    - (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations{
        return self.topViewController.supportedInterfaceOrientations;
  • Now create a CustomNavigationControllerobject in AppDelegate class and this in method,  application:DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions: set your newly created navigation controller object as rootViewController for window object. _window.rootViewController = _navController;
  • Now in your ViewController class, if you want your view to rotate, write this.
  • - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation{
        return (interfaceOrientation != UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown);
        return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown;
        return YES;
  • If you do not want your ViewController's view to rotate on device orientation, do this.
  • - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation{
        return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);
        return NO;
        return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;

Samsung to launch its Galaxy SIII mini tomorrow(11/Oct/12)

Here is the good news for the people who actually wanted little less sized screen but no compromise on the features. Confused? No? Ok then. South Korean giant SAMSUNG confirmed about its new smartphone The Galaxy SIII mini. Most awaited gadget for the people who actually stopped themselves from buying the most sold smartphone Galaxy SIII just because of the screen size. Next question which comes to your mind is, If small, how small? Well, nothing to fear. Its best suited for average size of human hand. 

As iPhone got bigger, Samsung actually started to become small. Wait. What do you mean? Haha!! No offense. Samsung started to make small sized screen devices since they heard voices from people saying its very difficult for average sized human hand to hold and use the device. So, Samsung is about to launch its mini version of Galaxy SIII(the leader in smartphone market). 

  1. 4-inch Super AMOLED screen.
  2. 800x480pixels
  3. 5MP Camera with dedicated flash, VGA as front Camera.
  4. 1GB RAM.
  5. 16GB storage.
  6. 1GHz processor.
  7. With new 4.1 Jelly bean and Touch Wiz UI
After all of these, one thing is still not clear. Exactly. You are right. Price. Its still not been reported by Samsung but expected to heard from Samsung tomorrow.