Install Ubuntu Tweak on Ubuntu 11.04

Ubuntu Tweak is a charming application that allows you to tweak your Ubuntu easier than any other way. It is an application used to config Ubuntu the easier way so that no one has to worry about running blah blah blah command in the terminal or editing the system files. It provides many useful desktop and system options that the default desktop doesn't provide.


1. From their website -

Download the .deb package straight away from their website and double click on the file to install it. Their website is

2. By adding the PPA to your repositor -

This is a more recommended way as it is easier to upgrade the version with the new releases.

Step 1: Open your terminal by going to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal

Step 2: Execute the following instructions in the order

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sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak


Once it is installed, you can find Ubuntu Tweak at Applications -> System Tools -> Ubuntu Tweak.

Ubuntu Tweak is a must have if you are a beginner.