Move Facebook albums to Google+

Here is a interesting stuff which you will surely like. We all know that Picasa is the most used photo sharing app by everyone. Introduction of Facebook reduced the usage of Picasa. As the time went, Facebook became popular and all started to upload photos in Facebook rather than Picasa. Now Google came up with a classy Google+ and has given a revolutionary change to the users because of simplicity and ease of use with eyecandy look and feel.

But we, the users have a problem here. Th problem is the Photo albums. We have uploaded photos in facebook but Google+ uses Picasa. So the problem is how to move albums from facebook to picasa. For this problem, here is a simple solution.

Note: Works only with Google Chrome browser.

Steps to follow :-

  • Click on "Install" button.

  • Now in top right corner, you can see a small yellow coloured icon names "Move your photos". Click on that icon.

  • Now you can "Login with Facebook" button. Click on this button.

  • Select the photos which you want to transfer and scroll down to end og the page and click on Upload.

That's it. Ins't this interesting? Please do comment if you have any problems with this and also like us on facebook.