Speed Up Package Downloads using "apt-fast" in Ubuntu

All these days, we all were using "apt-get" to install any packages from internet using terminal. But the problem with this was slower download of the packages. We needed some faster download command so that the downloading and installation of the package will be finished soon and start with the package access.

Yes, "apt-fast" is the command which will double your download speeds in Ubuntu. apt-fast isn’t an application, just a shell script that uses the Axel download accelerator to download different pieces of a package simultaneously, lowering the total time it takes to download a package. To set it up, download the shell script, put it in your home folder, and run the following commands.

Download shell script from here.

sudo apt-get install axel
sudo mv apt-fast.sh /usr/bin/apt-fast
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/apt-fast

From now on, use sudo apt-fast install packagename, where packagename is the app you want to download.

Now choose right server for super-fast downloads. To do this, carry out following steps.

Go to System > Administration > Software Sources and look for the “Download from” dropdown menu. Hit “Other” in that menu and you will see a long list of servers available. If you click the Select Best Server button, Ubuntu will find the fastest one for you.