Windows 8 Awesome Features

History Vault

History vault feature allows users to back up their files and data automatically with a Shadow Copy functionality of windows 8. The back up feature will have ability to restore to a specific time or date stamp. We can select files and restore them to different time stamps as of Time Machine of MAC OS X.

This feature is not copied from MAC because Microsoft had come up with a similar feature in its VISTA version of windows. We will get a good and user friendly GUI.

3D View

The interface is believed to be fully 3D and dynamic. It is revealed to have Microsoft’s Metro UI. This sound's pretty awesome.

Faster Hibernation

System will be hibernated within 3-6 seconds. This includes saving of all open documents and running tasks. Laptop users can put their system into hibernation mode instead of sleep mode and save the battery.

Restore to Factory Settings

A feature restores your computer to the factory settings without formatting your hard disk. This feature eliminates the fear of loosing the data. This feature is the greatest improvement in the technology.

Well, whatever we discuss here, we will understand and feel it only when we try Windows 8 operating system bu ourselves. Have to wait for its final release to understand the new features of this OS.

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