Speed Up Shutdown Time in Windows 7

Windows 7 is a very popular operating system which we all know but we love anything only when it is fast. Windows 7's one special feature is that it will save all unsaved works before it shutdown's. So the time needed for shutdown will be more. Default time to save your works is 12seconds.

So how can we speed up shutdown time??

  • First open run from start menu or press Win+R.

  • Now type regedit and press enter.

  • Browse for “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control

  • In the Right Panel, you will see a file named “WaitToKillServiceTimeout”.

  • Now Double click and change the value to 2000 (2 sec.).

  • Click Ok.

From now, your Windows 7 will shutdown much faster than before.