Recover settings of system after virus attack in Windows

Even after removing virus from your system by using some antivirus software, you cannot restore or recover your system settings :(  Generally, after system is affected by virus, Registry settings, Registry editor, msconfig, Control panel, Run,  Task manager, Folder options,command prompt, gpedit.msc etc... will be affected and you might not be able to access these things after virus attack. Most of the time, you will not be able to run softwares because of change in Registry settings. For all these problems, here is the solution :) :)

Re-Enable is a free tool using which you can restore all the settings which were disabled by virus. Antiviruses will remove only virus but it will not restore back the settings. At that time, you can use this software and gain access to everything and restore back the settings.

  • Download Re-Enable software from here.

  • Install and run the software**.

  • Select registry editor, command prompt, task manager, folder options etc...

  • Click on the “Re-Enable” button.

**You will require dot net 3.5 or higher version to run this software.

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