Format USB drive with NTFS file-system in Windows XP

When you want to copy a single file whose size is more than 4gb to a USB drive(pen drive or memory stick) which is of FAT32 file-system, then its not possible in Windows XP . But u will get option to format in NTFS format if you are using Windows-7.  But if you wish to format your USB drive in Windows XP, then what should you do?

Here i have a solution for you which requires no extra softwares or any tools. Windows XP operating itself can do this?  But the question is How??? Well, here i have the solution for this. Go ahead and enjoy yourself in changing the file-system format to NTFS in Windows XP operating system without any external tools or softwares.

Steps :--

  • First insert your USB stick(pen drive, memory stick or any other USB drives)

  • Now right click on your USB drive and select Properties.

  • Click on Hardware tab.

  • From the list of hardware listed, select your USB stick and click on Properties(Right bottom corner).

  • Now go to Policies and select Optimize for Performance and then click on OK and you are done.

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