Breakup Notifier - Know when your friends break up

There are so many apps on facebook most of which are dumb. Here's just another app that is dumb but could be useful to some of you. It is the breakup notifier. What it all does is notifies you when your friends change their relationship status and this is how the Breakup notifier website explains you -
You like someone. They're in a relationship. Be the first to know when they're out of it.

Simple, ain't it?

Just imagine that you see this gorgeous girl on your first day at college. The very next thing you do is log on to facebook and search for her profile but to your disappointment, you may find her relationship status to be taken. That's sad.

Breakup notifier is a great tool for stalkers on facebook. You get notified when your favorites are freshly dumped. All you got to do is go to BreakUp Notifier website. Log in with your facebook account. Choose the friends you want to have an eye on. And you will get email whenever they change their relationship status. Enjoy! And all the best :)