Microsoft MIDORI, Cloud-Based Operating System

Windows is the operating system which is being used my most of the computer users. This operating system has ruled with millions of users from 1985 by PC-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows Xp, Windows Vista and currently running most awaited operating system Windows 7.

Now, MICROSOFT is working on a new generation of operating systems called Cloud-Based Operating System and rumors are there that MIDORI will be their first such operating system, which will replace Windows fully from computer map.

Features of MIDORI :-

  • MIDORI is designed to run directly on native hardware (x86, x64 and ARM).

  • MIDORI includes "Virtualization" as a mean to solving issues within contemporary computing.

  • MIDORI is to develop a lightweight portable OS which can be deployed easily to lots of various applications.

In the current working system, operating system is loaded onto a hard disk physically located on that machine. In this way, the operating system is tied very tightly to that hardware. As Windows is dependent on hardware, this will not be used by mobile people. Due to this trend installing different applications on a single computer may led to different compatibility issues whenever the machine require updating.

The new operating system will solve these problems by the concept of Virtualizing. This will solve problems such as widespread security vulnerabilities, unexpected interactions among different applications, failures caused by extensions, plug-ins, and drivers and many more.