Make your software PORTABLE using CAMEYO in WINDOWS

We all have installed softwares in WINDOWS but have you ever tried to make it PORTABLE?  I guess not. So make changes from now onwards with pretty cool software CAMEYO which makes your software PORTABLE.

Why should YOU USE this software?

You will install WINDOWS once in a while and many times you will end up with VIRUS WINDOWS. Haha!! lol!!  So, now you will have to re-install your WINDOWS and all the softwares which you had previously installed :(  This is very tedious way :(  Moreover, if you install more and more software in your system, your WINDOWS performance will slow down gradually and make hell lot of problems for you. Process of re-installing all the softwares will take more time and it's not an easy task. So to get rid from all these problems, here is the solution THE CAMEYO :) :)

Here is the steps to go ahead and create your own PORTABLE SOFTWARES.

  • Now open CAMEYO software and you will see the main interface as shown below.

  • Now click on Capture Installation and it will start Taking initial system snapshot before installation.

  • Once the above process is done, it will show a new window asking you toinstall the software you wish to package. At this point, you have to install software on your computer that you wish to make PORTABLE.

  • After installation of your software, click on INSTALL DONE. This will starttaking post-installation snapshot.

  • After the completion of above process, it will ask for the path/directory to save PORTABLE software and the name. Enter those fields and click ok :)

That's it. Your PORTABLE SOFTWARE is ready to use it anywhere and on any system. You can even copy your PORTABLE SOFTWARE to USB stick and share it with your friends :)

Thank you for reading this post and please do comment :)