How to reset your Windows password using Ubuntu

Cracking the SAM file To reset your Windows password is very easy. What you need is bootable Ubuntu system (ie. USB, CD or anything) and software called chntpw.

Steps to do so :--

  • Shutdown your computer and boot up using your bootable system. So you run Ubuntu on Live Session that means you run your system without install it.

  • Set your repository.   Goto System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager -> Settings -> Repositories -> Ubuntu Software and check the “Software restricted by copyright or legal issues” checkbox. And don’t forget to reload synaptic.

  • Install CHNTPW.    sudo apt-get install chntpw

  • Mount your “Windows installed” device.  It’s depending on your system, example.

sudo mkdir /media/WINDOWS

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/WINDOWS

  • Goto your Windows system configuration folder

cd /media/WINDOWS/WINDOWS/system32/config/

  • Cracking the SAM file

      chntpw SAM
And if you see the output similar with image below, it’s mean you 

can crack the SAM file.
As you see, there is 5 choices. Just type “1″ and press “ENTER” to 

reset your password.
That's it :)
Thank you :)