How to download protected books from Scribd?

Scribd as we all know is like youtube for books. Unlike YouTube, Scribd allows you to download documents. But there are times when you come across some documents that are protected by the author. Meaning - you cannot download them.
But I've found a simple trick by which you can download any protected document on Scribd in a pdf format. As I said, it is a simple trick which exploits the 'Print Document' facility available on Scribd. Here's how we do it.

Step 1: You need a simple piece of software that acts as a PDF printer. A PDF printer is not really a hardware printer but indeed a software one. When you print the document using this printer, the printer prints the document into a pdf file which can be stored on your computer. CutePDF Writer is one such software which does your job. You can download it from here. Download and Install it. Some alternates are : PrimoPDF, PDF Creator,  doPDF.

Step 2: Now the job is very simple. You open a document on scribd. If you see the document is protected then right click on the document and select "Print Document". It asks for the page range. Click Print again and Print dialog will open. Select the new PDF printer you just installed. Click Print.

The whole document will now be printed into a pdf file. When it is done it prompts you to give a name to the pdf file. And you're done.

You've successfully downloaded a Protected scribd document.

Comment your queries.

PS1: If a document is protected by author of the document then it is for some genuine purpose.

PS2: "If you can see it on your screen, it can be yours."