Online FLV to Other format converter

In my last post on downloading you tube videos, i gave a small tricky website that does all the job of downloading movies in .flv format. Downloading in .flv format is not always handy. And downloading in .flv and then converting it to other using softwares is lot of work. So here are 3 simple websites for your simple work. Clicks away are your videos in your desired formats.

    Use this site if you only want the audio track from it. Enter the link and the website will give you back another link. Save that link and you will get that particular video's audio track only. That too in a convenient .mp3 format

    Enter the link of the video that you want to download. Select the output format of that video. And you'll get that! As easy as that. Takes no time.

    This site is a combination of and which i told in my last post. You can either download video directly in .flv format or you can get it converted and download in your desired output. If you are downloading the converted video, then you need to give your email id to which the link will be sent to. Better hang on to the other 2 sites given above.

Isn't that easy?