Must download these things for your computer

There are certain softwares without which your computer is no more than a dead machine.

When you first finish installing Windows XP and the drivers, your machine will be like a new born baby. You got to pamper it to grow it up!
Just download these things. Your computer will grow into one cool gadget machine.

Open Office
If you don't have Microsoft Office and you badly want to use your documents and excel sheets, then there is an alternate thing for Microsoft Office. Its Open Office. Open office being an open source is free to use and distribute and also to change its code. This is a real cool software which gives you all the features that are in MS Office and more than all that, it gives you peace. There can be no legal issues with the licensing and all that. This is free to use. You'll never have this guilt of using something pirated.
Link given below. Link directs you to their site. Open Office is brought to you by Sun Microsystems. Say thanks while leaving the site.
Download page:

Adobe flash Player
Flash animations are as common as texts in dictionary. With growing into such a huge site, its impossible to stay on internet without a flash player. Adobe's flash player is a must download for every internet surfer. Download it here.
For latest updates on adobe flash player, check their official website.

Download link:

Adobe reader
No computer is complete without an adobe reader. Everything now comes in PDF formats. Be it your timetables or documents from some government site. Everything is in PDF formats. You need adobe reader to it. Download this from here. Do read the adobe's Terms of Service before downloading. There are certain restrictions on it. PDF's are meant only to be read. You are not supposed to manipulate any text in a PDF file. You can only read them. So don't expect text manipulating stuff from this Adobe reader.
For latest updates and their ToS, check their official webpage. Click on the link below.
Download from the same above site>

VLC media player
I guess there's no person who's not aware of this software. VLC media player just rocks. Its simple interface and extensive features make it more reliable than any other player listed below. This is in no doubt a best player i've ever seen. Download it from here.
Download Link:

GOM Player
This one helluva player. For all the people who have sticked to VLC media player, check this player for a change. Its one easy looking software with some coolest tools. Program the player to switch off after playing or shut down the computer after playing, full screen stretched, full screen normal, change the size, add external subtitles are some features of it. It opens up pretty quickly and interface is cool. Download it from here.
Download Link:

KM player
This is yet another player that I love a lot. Its winamp like interface may look a bit eery. But its features baffled me. Got all the features that GOM player has got. So i give this also a "Must download" rating.
Download Link:

AVG Free
There was a time when parents used to tell their children "God is everywhere". But now, its the age when people say "Viruses are everywhere". Its very important to safeguard your computer. But no antivirus softwares come for free. But here is one. AVG has got its Free version out. Its cool. It heals pretty good. My personal best. No need to pirate. Gets updated by itself. No worries of getting black-listed. :)Download it from here and enjoy. Happy surfing.
Download it from

Google Picasa 3
Coolest Picture editting and managing software. Make posters, collage, video or anything. Enhance the quality of pictures. Fill light. Give effects like sepia, black and whie, saturation, tint and many more. I love this "I'm feeling lucky." feature provided by this software that almost brings life to some pics. "Retouch" is a mind-blowing picture editting tool. So easy to operate. Upload pics directly to your Picasa web album with no much difficulty. Must download if you have lot of pics on your computer. Can't match Photoshop. But more than enough for medium users.
Download Link:

Free Download manager
As the name itself says, its free. If you are crazy downloading lot of things from net, then this software is for you. Pause, resume , stop. Do anything. Just drag and drop the links to its drop box which will be present on your screen always in the fore. Queue as many as you want. Download starts automatically when your computer starts. and pauses automatically when you shut the computer down. And the best part is, it supports torrents too. So no need to download seperate torrent clients for it. But keep in mind that its just a download manager and not a download accelerator and gives you considerably best rate your connection can. Its free to use. Download it from here.
Download Link:

Mozilla 3
If you are a browser junkie, then you should have Mozilla3.
Its free. Its available in their websit
e. Download link given below also. This is an open source and you can get its source code if you want to customize it. This is an easy to use web browser with built in download manager. Yet its not so good when handling files of sizes greater than 20 or 30 mb and when your download speed is below 30kbps. It sometimes fails to resume paused downloads. But browsing is faster than anything else.
Click on the link to download.
Download Link:
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