What is Google To Do List?
Google being the foremost contender in web services launched To-do list online, which allows users to write tasks online just like writing them in a notebook. Google provides very simple and easy interface to create to-do list and thus helps a user immensely in organizing his/her personal activities. Here are some basic steps to create a to-do list in Google calendar (https://www.google.com/calendar/render?hl=en&tab=wc&pli=1).
- First to start creating a to-do list in Google calendar, user has to sign-in using a valid Gmail ID.
- Click on “My Calendars” and under that, click on “Tasks”.
- Once you click on “tasks”, a task gadget will appear on the right side of your calendar.
- Using the gadget, you can easily create to-do list according to your calendar.
Google has created the gadget and has blended it with a simple idea of due dates. Due dates are often prove to be very important. Thus you can use such due dates with your calendar assigning them to your tasks.
Using Due Dates in Google To Do List
- Create a task on to-do list with a due date: You can do so by clicking in an empty space in month view and select the “Task” option.
- You can also assign a due date to an existing task.
- Once the task has been completed, a user can delete or mark task as complete by checking a box next to the task name.