Google Earth 5 - What's New?

I hadn't been using Google earth for a long time. But after considering the lot of fuss being made on twitter and other communities, I thought of trying it out myself. It was, as always, nice.

The new features added to this are

Oceans - Earlier versions of Google Earth of course had oceans but not clear enough. With the new Google earth 5.0, nooks and crannies on the surface of the earth inside the oceans can be viewed. That makes it so good. Now you can dive into the ocean and check out some deeps!

History Imagery - The earlier versions of Google Earth showed pictures of locations which were taken sometime back. Now, Google Earth can take you back in history and show you how the locations looked like.

Recording Tour - Sharing your tour route has always been troublesome while explaining it to others. But not anymore with your Google Earth 5.0. You can now record your tour with a click of button. Click on the record button and fly through the destinations you went by. Click stop and then you can save the tour route. Upload it to YouTube and share it with the world. Simple! Isn't it?

3D Mars - Now this is my favourite. Google Earth had already released the sky view in its previous versions. The clarity was just quite lousy. Now, Google in collaboration with 'NASA' has released this new feature - 3D Mars. By selecting Mars from the Toolbar,  the surface of the Mars can be viewed with clarity and resolution high enough. You can see Mons Olympus, the biggest Volcano in the solar system. All those things you read in General Knowledge books can be experienced now. Isn't that Cool?
Check out this video released by Google through its blog.

1473MP Picture taken during Obama's swearing-in Ceremony.

Simply awesome!


I had heard that a high-clarity picture was taken during Obama's swearing-in ceremony. Picture in which you can zoom to see a high clarity picture of a person standing a kilometer away. Considering it as just an hoax, I ignored it. But today, I got a mail. Wow! And that hoax is no more a hoax to me. Its real. I know you people won't believe. But seeing is believing. So I have the photo for you. Check it out yourselves and zoom in to see some famous personalities. You can see people sleeping, count the stars on the flag, what is in Bush's hands and anything. The clarity of picture is just superb! No words to describe that. You can see an Exit board which is out of the field. I mean you can read the letters on the board which is more than a km far. You can see every person's face. So good!

Click on the picture above or just click here to zoom and enjoy the clarity.

Google has answer to life, the universe and everything!

This is funny!

Do you know what is the answer to life, the universe and everything? No?

But Google has. :)

Go to and type in the search field,  "answer to life, the universe and everything", without quotes. The answer is ??? Check out yourselves.

The answer is not a philosophical book of 100 pages or anything. Its the Google calculator that calculates your answer. And the answer is very simple if you don't waste time thinking more about the answer. Now, why is that answer so funny?

Here goes the story: The whole concept is taken from Douglas Adam's fictional series "Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy". The series was screened into a movie in 2005 by the same name. Researchers, passionate to know the answer to life, the universe and everything construct a super computer called "Deep Thought". Deep thought was questioned this and Deep thought computed for 7 and half million years before the quest ended. The computer provides this answer "Fourty-two". Deep Thought was pretty sure of its answer. To say anything more than this will be called spoiler to the book and movie. But why on the earth did Douglas select 42 of all the numbers? Its his story, his book and HIS CHOICE.

Bangalore routes -

Haven't seen a site like this. Simply great! A new bangalore based startup has brought us this amazingly good and helpful website.

Bangalore is such a big city that remembering all the routes is not so possible. Now vidteq has brought this wonderful site that comes in handy if you are moving around in Bangalore. Vidteq gives you the complete direction for driving between any two places in Bangalore. Just enter the starting point and the destination place. Vidteq gives you the driving map on the right side of the screen and the driving directions at the left bottom of the screen. And above this driving directions, you get a video terminal which shows you a pre-shot video of that route. Being on time is easy now. :)


Google Calculator

Google calculator is a hidden feature of Google search. No need of separate URL. Just log in to and type in whatever you want to calculate. You can type anything like 100+130 or it can even be trigonometry of sin(30) or it can be anything. Operators that can be used are

^exponentiation(raise to the power of)6^4
chooseX choose Y determines the number of ways of choosing a set of Y elements from a set of X elements19 choose 3
th root ofcalculates the nth root of a number6th root of 64
% ofX % of Y computes X percent of Y20% if 150
sqrtsquare rootsqrt(25)
sin, cos etc...Trigonometric functiontan(45)
lnlogarithm to the base eln(4)
loglogarithm to the base 10log(pi)

It also understand the value of 'pi'. Like, you can use sin(pi/3). You can also use parenthesis to make a perfect equation. The equation inside the parenthesis will be evaluated first and then the rest.
You can also use this as converters. If you want to know x kms in terms of miles, then just type in 10kms in miles.
Conversion from decimal to binary is easy. For example, type 54 to binary. You can use hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers. Prefix hexadecimal numbers with 0x, octal numbers with 0o and binary numbers with 0b. For example: 0x7f + 0b10010101.
It also understands when you say speed of light or just c.
Not all the features of Google Calculator are included here. You can convert decimal to hexadecimal or even roman numerals. Just as described above with binary conversion. Google Calculator also understands some complex statements like this G*(6e24 kg)/(4000 miles)^2. It understands these 'kg', 'miles' and even the constants like 'G'.

Not all the features of Google Calculator is described here. Just get on Google and start experimenting with this.
Isn't this cool? A search engine not just a search engine.

AAA Logo Creator

Its everyone's wish to create a logo for their websites or blogs. But how? Most people don't know.

My personal advice is to use some really cool fonts available and make it look really awesome by changing the colors of alternative words with no spaces. That makes it look trendy and original.

The other way that I recently found was this AAA Logo creator. Its a software that could be downloaded from here. The trial version itself made me feel 'wow'. Had lot of options in it! Following are few of the designs provided by the AAA Logo creator.


File size: 6.2 MB (Trial Version)
Download page:

Worth a try!

Rhymer - For poets!

If you are trying to be a poet and want some rhyming words for your poem, then check this site. Enter the word and you'll get all the possible rhyming words for the given word. No sign up required. Extremely simple. Just give the world. Give it a try! :)

Phandy - a photo twitter!

Ok. You people have tried twitter. Its a social networking site where people follow your updates. Your updates is something no longer than 140 characters.

Phandy is exactly like twitter. The looks match that of twitter. But here, instead of lines of words, you use pictures. And the question "What are you doing?" is "What are you seeing?" here in Phandy. Update your favourite picture and people following you will get to see that. An ultimately good site for photographers and wallpaper-seekers. Try it!