How to disable Recent Documents menu in UBUNTU?

As u all have seen, in WINDOWS we can disable recent documents menu from the START menu. But do you know how to disable that menu in UBUNTU?
Steps are as follows :--

  1. Go to Places-->Recent Documents-->Clear Recent Documents.

  2. Open the Terminal.(Applications-->Accessories-->Terminal)

  3. Enter this in the terminal. rm ~/.recently-used.xbel

  4. Followed by touch ~/.recently-used.xbel

  5. Then sudo chattr +i ~/.recently-used.xbel. After entering this in the terminal, you will be  prompted for password. Enter the password and press [Enter].

From now on, recent document list will never be displayed. I mean it will be always greyed. That means Recent Documents menu is disabled.

To re-enable Recent document menu, just open the terminal and enter this command.

sudo chattr -i ~/.recently-used.xbel

What exactly happens when u carry out steps as shown above?

  • We first removed the file recently-used.xbel  located in the root of your Home directory by using the rm command. This file is used to store the list of documents.

  • Next we re-created the file using the touch command.

  • Then we changed the attribute of the file to make it inaccessible using the command chattr +i.